Monday, September 20, 2010

Discrete or discreet?

Be discrete by being discreet.
discreet adj. Showing discernment or judgement in the guidance of one’s own speech and action; judicious, prudent, circumspect, cautious; often esp. that can be silent when speech would be inconvenient.  
discrete adj. Separate, detached from others, individually distinct. Opposed to continuous.
So: Because we have to be completely discreet about this project, I have divided the work into discrete units so that no one will be able to let our competition know exactly what our product will be.

Here's a little trick to remember: in "discrete" the e's are separated by a t, and discrete is the word that means separate, apart, discontinuous.

More: Discrete is about separating into distinct parts: notice how the two e’s are separated. Discreet, on the other hand, is about keeping information contained and under wraps: notice how the e’s are closed up within the boundaries of the word.

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